I'm not sure it's supposed to be a comedy, but me and Kajsa sure laughed and giggled the whole movie, so for us it was a comedy. With a little bit of exitement, romance, pretty clothes and wonderful eye-candy in the shape och Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr.

In my early adolecence I was a huge fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and I've read almost every Sherlock Holmes mystery there is. This new pair of Holmes-Watson was quite far from the novels, for those of you who haven't seen it: think The league of extrodinary gentlemen meets Jack Sparrow. Great fun and wonderful photage =)
One thing I found interesting was the combination of magic and technology. It brings to mind an earlier era when technology was new and it seemed possible anything could be done with it, when magic was seen as an extension of technique. I did like that they gave a logical explanation to almost everything in the end (I can ignore what they chosed not to explain), it feels very Conan Doyle.

Perhaps they felt the need to make Holmes a bit more lovebel, and thus set the movie in a time before the first novel. Downey's Holmes is not yet a morphine-adict, he's active (a boxer!) and he's still a bit interested in the world around him. Jude Law's Watson is far from Doyle's married, rounded, shy man. No, there's nothing rounded or a bit timid about him when he battles villains with superb fighting skills =)

Not a movie that will change my life, but one that gave me incredible joy and fun for an evening, and one I'll see again in the future.
Love, Erika