My idea to blog while moving failed miserably, and since I've been dying to show you the red roses dress I made, I'm doing a vintage interlude before the last of the posts from Medieval week. =) After Visby, I went straight to Stockholm and the wedding of my dear friends Maja and Mattias.
I'm still amazed that my dress got ready in time ; )
I'm still amazed that my dress got ready in time ; )

Wondering where the vintage part comes in? Here's the outfit-list: The buttons are from my grandmother. The seamed stockings are from Tradera/Ebay. The belt and the shoes are vintage/second hand on loan from a friend.

Most beautiful that day was of course Maja, so I couldn't resist a photo of the happy couple as well =) Taken outside the church after the ceremony.

Her dress was gorgeous! Just look at the beading and the drape! (Sorry for the poor quality, it was either no flash or a very, very white dress...)

Most of my pictures are rather serious and arranged, so I threw in this one as an example of how I look when I'm not trying to look my best for the camera =) Also, I like the dress in this picture.

It was a great wedding (but then, aren't they always?), and the day was perfect. Speeches were fun, food very good and the company the best. Me and two friends even stayed at a hotel that night, such a luxury in one's hometown! A Sunday hotel-breakfast, what a perfect ending to a lovely weekend!
Love, Erika