1.Where is your phone? Next to the phone-hole in the wall.
2.Your hair? Strawberry blond-ish (for a few more hours) and cooperative (most days)
3.Your Mother? The best! Talented, smart, loving, understanding, fun etc.
4.Your Father? Great! Funloving, bookish, and a great hugger.
5.Your favourite food? Homemade
6.Your dream last night? Never remembers them
7.Your favourite drink? Tea!
8.Your dream/goal? To dance!
9.What room are you in? The one I have.
10.Your hobby? Lindy hop, sewing, baking
11.Your fear? The dark.
12.Where do you want to be in six years? In a bigger appartement.
13.Where were you last night? At home, trying to cure my fever with sleep.
14.Something that you’re not? Quiet and timid.
15.Muffins? Yup!
16.Wishlist item? Mad men season one.
17.Where did you grow up? Åkersberga, north of Stockholm.
18.Last thing you did? Baked for the dance tonight.
19.What are you wearing? Warm clothes. We hit minus 20 degrees (celsius!) earlier this week.
20.Your TV? Neglected a lot latlely.
21.Your pets? Non-existent. Except... does younger sisters count?
22.Friends? A great joy.
23.Your life? Wonderful, but a bit stressful. How to choose away fun stuff?
24.Your mood? Starting on the Christmas panic =)
25.Missing someone? Friends and family in south of Sweden.
26.Vehicle? Bikecycle. Even in -18 and snow.
27.Something you’re not wearing? For the moment, a hat.
28.Your favourite store? One?! Perhaps Tehörnan, the local tea shop.
29.Your favourite colour? Red and dark forest green.
30.When was the last time you laughed? Today.
31.The last time you cried? A few weeks ago.
32.Your best friend? Yes. Two of them since childhood. Love you guys!
33.One place that I go to over and over? Stockholm.
34.Facebook? When I remember.
35.Favourite place to eat? At my mom's place.
Whew! Done! =)
I'm supposed to pass this on to ten people, but I have a mild fever and don't feel up to choosing amongst all the great blogs there are out there, so if you've made it this far in the post, consider yourself tagged! =)
Love, Erika