Monday, 23 May 2011

Thrifted green dress

I went thriftshopping at a charityshop with a friend, and came home with this late 50s/early 60s dress!

I love the pleat detail in the front, such a simple thing that makes the garment so much more interesting.

Sorry sbout the quality of the photo, my windows are all east and it was late afternoon when this was taken. But I wanted to give you a good view of the frontpleats.

Feeling Mad Men-inspired here =)

In all fairness, I didn't find the dress, Kattis did. Here's a confession: I'm actually quite poor at hunting in charity stores. There's always so much uninteresting stuff that unless the good stuff is fully visible, I miss it. There, I've said it. I'm a bad second hand-shopper. But I did find a blouse for Kattis! So practical for two friends not to have the same size when hitting second-hand stores! =)

Hope you've had a great weekend!
Love, Erika


Lizzy said...

oh my it is beautiful! You look very Mad Men - and the colour is so nice :)

Kitten loves vintage said...

Oh, vilket fynd! Fina detaljer... Haha, jasså du medger att du inte är bästa second hand shopparen? ;P Lugn, det är okej, men praktiskt då att ha en kompis med som orkar rota! :) Och vilken tur att ni har olika storlek, då behöver ni int bli osams heller ;)

Rakel said...

For en fin kjole! :)

Erika said...

Dizzy Miss Lizzy: Thank you! This soft, cold green is a new favorite shade =)

Kitten: Japp, erkänner villigt mina tillkortakommanden! ; ) Men det verkar gälla just kläder, kökssaker däremot... Skulle kunna utrusta ett helt kök på varje shoppingtur. Har dock helt fullt i mitt pyttelilla kök, så har köpstopp på dylikt.
Lol! Jo, jag tror det bäst att leta i second hand affärer med någon som har antingen en helt annan stil eller en annan storlek. Både för fyndfaktorn och för att bevara vänskapen =)

Rakel; Tackar så mycket! =)

Anna said...

You look so lovely in that dress. Lucky girl! X

Erika said...

Thank you, Anna!