
Sunday, 19 June 2011

It's all about the 50s!

This week I've been all about the 50s, alternating wiggleskirts and my huge more-than-circle skirt.

Monday 13th. A plaid wiggleskirt, made from the skirt in this pattern. At work (another place than the one featured in the previous post - I work for an outsourcing company).

The following picture was taken coming home from a work party, so it's about ten in the evening (yes, I made it an early night. There was work to be done early the following day). Quite bright, considering the time of day, right? I love, love, love that we are in the lightest part of the year. We now have 3 hours of official night - but it never get's dark. the sun dips below the horizon, and then a slow sunset gives way to a slow sunrise =)
Tuesday 14th. This skirt isn't really me made, but it is me-remade. As is the cardigan below the jacket  =) The skirt was too good for the occasion to pass over just 'cause it's MMJ. So I decided me-remade counts as well =)

Wednesday 15 th. Black wiggle skirt and vintage blouse from my grandmother. I rarely wear this skirt, and this was the first outing for the blouse. I'm glad I had an incentive to wear this, I loved the combination! The blouse is a bit too "fluffy" to wear with my usual pleated skirts (all definitions disappears), but it works with a slim skirt.

Thursday 16th. Do you ever get that tunnelvision when choosing clothes? That there's only one thing you feel like wearing, and no matter the occasion it's the only item that would be appropriate? I always do that! This week it's this skirt. I was saved from wearing it the whole week by it being too big and heavy to pack for a weekend trip =)
This photo is taken at the Lindahl residence (their youngest son just graduated high school), which seemed fitting as it was the first place the re-made skirt was worn last year!

Right now I'm in Stockholm, visiting friends and family. It's a short visit, though, just for the weekend. Hope you're having a great weekend so far!

Love, Erika


  1. Snygga outfits!!! Gillar den översta rutiga kjolen, det är ju så snyggt med pennkjolar, den såg riktigt genuint old fashioned ut...jag kommer nog alltid tycka utställda är bekvämare men, åh så snyggt det kan vara med pennkjol...

    Visst är det skönt nu när värmen dykt upp så man kan ha allt det man sytt under hösten och vintern. Älskar sommaren, det är så mkt lättare att klä sig snyggt när man slipper bylsa på sig hundra lager kläder för att slippa frysa... :)

  2. 50-tal gillar vi! Hur gick stockholmsresan? Fyndade du nåt?

  3. Absolutely beautiful! All outfits made ​​with swing skirt are so beautiful! And the plaid skirt gave me idea, I need one desperately!

  4. Beautiful!
    I love circle skirts!
    They make so nice figure. And you look really pretty. You have beautiful hair;)

  5. Olivia; tackar! Den rutiga och den svarta är efter samma vintagemönster, jag behövde knappt ändra det alls =)
    Älskar värmen! Det är så lätt att sy sommarkläder. Jobbar dock på att lyckas sy vinterkläder också. Tänker jag realistiskt så har vi ju onekligen kallt flera månader än vi har varmt... =)

    Kitten; Resan var härlig! Blev inga fynd, men däremot lyckades jag äntligen ta mig till Old Touch och beundra allt vackert.

    Thank you, Rosy! The plaid is surpisingly useful, despite it begging for a solid coloured top =)

    Thank you, Blanka! I agree, circle skirts are so pretty!


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