
Sunday, 19 June 2011

It's all about the 50s!

This week I've been all about the 50s, alternating wiggleskirts and my huge more-than-circle skirt.

Monday 13th. A plaid wiggleskirt, made from the skirt in this pattern. At work (another place than the one featured in the previous post - I work for an outsourcing company).

The following picture was taken coming home from a work party, so it's about ten in the evening (yes, I made it an early night. There was work to be done early the following day). Quite bright, considering the time of day, right? I love, love, love that we are in the lightest part of the year. We now have 3 hours of official night - but it never get's dark. the sun dips below the horizon, and then a slow sunset gives way to a slow sunrise =)
Tuesday 14th. This skirt isn't really me made, but it is me-remade. As is the cardigan below the jacket  =) The skirt was too good for the occasion to pass over just 'cause it's MMJ. So I decided me-remade counts as well =)

Wednesday 15 th. Black wiggle skirt and vintage blouse from my grandmother. I rarely wear this skirt, and this was the first outing for the blouse. I'm glad I had an incentive to wear this, I loved the combination! The blouse is a bit too "fluffy" to wear with my usual pleated skirts (all definitions disappears), but it works with a slim skirt.

Thursday 16th. Do you ever get that tunnelvision when choosing clothes? That there's only one thing you feel like wearing, and no matter the occasion it's the only item that would be appropriate? I always do that! This week it's this skirt. I was saved from wearing it the whole week by it being too big and heavy to pack for a weekend trip =)
This photo is taken at the Lindahl residence (their youngest son just graduated high school), which seemed fitting as it was the first place the re-made skirt was worn last year!

Right now I'm in Stockholm, visiting friends and family. It's a short visit, though, just for the weekend. Hope you're having a great weekend so far!

Love, Erika

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Summer is here! Or, it was here...

Warning! Picture heavy post ahed...
Last week summer suddenly struck northern Sweden, Yes, southern as well, but that happens every now and then. It has never ever been so warm in my county during these five years I've lived here. To kick off the week, and summer itself as it turned out =), the family Lindahl arranged their by now yearly dance on the sundeck to the beautiful, scrapy music of a vintage grammophone one turnes by hand. This is what I wore:

Monday 6th. Blue, floral Swingdress.

The heat continued, and this much loved but rarely worn green skirt made an apperance:

Wednesday 8th. The colour puts me in mind of icecream =) It's cute, but a bit unpractical as it's the kind of cotton that get's stuck on anything (even nylons. And itself!). I do love it for those hot days, though!

I had no imagination the day after (it was too warm to think), so I wore it again. For work, this time. I had an amazing luck with this photo; inspired by Karens project for June, I walked up to a stranger and asked if he could take a picture of me and the beautiful UmeƄ river. Turned out he was a photograpfer! =) He very kindly helped me, thus providing us all with a picture that does the river justice.

Thursday 9th

Next up, my blue skirt.

Friday 10th, at work.

This is an everyday look for me at work, both the clothes, the teacup and the headset =) See, I work in a reception/switchboard...

Saturday was the last dance night of the semester, featuring the wonderful Thomas Fisher's kvartett and vocalist Anna-Lena Kanon. They were really swingin'!

I wore the dress I made as a testrun for the bridesmaid dress I wore to my best friend's wedding four years ago. I still fit into it, but it was a bit more snug than it was back then =) This was the first non-medieval piece I made (not counting home-ed in elementary school), and my first ever attempt to insert a zipper.

I made the pattern myself, loosly based on a vintage pattern. I can't really claim any credit for it though, without my mom´s help with fitting and alterations it never ever would have worked. Thanks, mom!

I think that's it for now. I'm heading for Stockholm and the celebration of my dad's 60th birthday this weekend, so excited to visit some vintage shops. If there's time... Oh, and I'm slightly faster at posting the outfit photo's at flickr than here, so check out my photo's there if you're curious about what I'm up to =)

Love, Erika

Friday, 3 June 2011

Me Made June - and so it begins, day 2+3

Me Made June is in full swing, and I started out forgetting it... Day one I sewed, worked out and pottered about at home. Barely got dressed = no pictures. =)
Yesterday was a whole other story, celebrating a friend's graduation from university.

I wore my red dress in interlocked jersey, keds and my grandmothers belt. This dress is a great going away dress when I want to be able to indulge myself with lots of sweets =) I'm not really sure the red of the dress works with the red keds... It's a bit sad, I've mentioned before that my feet are picky with shoes due to injuries. To give you an idea of the extent of it: these are my "pretty and I can survive fine as long as I don't wear them everyday and take the bus as much as possible"-shoes. Tragic, huh? Esp as I've finally found (and bought) some cute high heels on Tradera this spring:

Ah well, eventually it will be us, my loves! =)

Today was another relaxed day, just sewing and cleaning up the place a bit. I wore my favorite me-made skirt, a dark blue creation. I love it because it's comfortable, it's easy to move in, the fabric is an amazing cotton (with maybe a little other in it, not entirely sure) that never wrinkles. I sometimes iron it after washing, but not always. And it continues to be wrinkle-free during the day! Staines seems to magically disappear from it. I can wear a belt to it, but I don't need to. And the blue is so dark that it matches almost everything, just as black does. A perfect skirt =)

I don't plan to post outfits everyday, but rather do a round up maybe once a week. There will be repeats during June, I don't have anywhere near enough me-made-clothes to last me the whole month otherwise. Do check out the Me Made June flickr group for inspiring outfits from the challenge participants!

Love, Erika