
Sunday, 14 April 2013

Me Made May - I'm in!

Zoe from So, Zo, what do you know? is hosting another round of the by now iconic Me Made May-challenge! I participated in Me Made-june two years ago, and learned a lot about the gaps in my closet. At first I was a bit hesitant about signing up this year - for me it would feel like cheating to pledge to just do what I anyway do, it needs to be a challenge. A dream (and a longterm goal) is to be able to go all-in, but I'm not there yet (outerwear, knickers and knitted cardigans all remains for that). However, I decided to pledge...

"I, Erika of Swingin' it in vintage, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to 1) wear one me-made garment that is not a skirt, each day for the duration of May 2013 and 2) wear a me-made dress in a non-social dance context minimum once a week during May."

The plan is to not sew anything for this challenge. The summer SWAP I'm of course making anyway! I will sew during May, but only what I anyway would have. The goal is instead to see how much me-made I actually wear, what gaps that remains and which type of make(s) I really feel most comfortable using in my everyday life. Also I want to give myself a nudge to wearing blouses and dresses in my everyday life.

I have a pretty good idea what I need in my closet, and what I need to sew to complete the list, but it will be interesting to test the theory against reality.

Oh, and this won't turn into a daily update of outfits-blog during May, I'll post weekly outfit-round-ups =) Inbetween them, there will still be ordinary posts.

So, are you in on Me Made May?!

Love, Erika


  1. I'm signing up for this too, it's my first time doing it :)

    Good luck with your me-made-may x

  2. I just don't think I have enough. Maybe, I can challenge myself to wear something me-made once a week. I'll pop over there to see the official rules.

  3. Sarah; it's going to be loads of fun!!! The online community surrounding the challenge is wonderful. I also love that the only one I'm really "competing" with is myself and the goals I've set.

    Foster; the challenge is very free to shape as one wish - the only central part is to pledge to wear me-made in some way during May, but the amount of me-made, type of garment and frequency in wear are all up to the individual participant. It's a very good way to encourage oneself to wear the result of sewing efforts (if incorparating the me-made's into the daily wardrobe doesn't come easy). Hope you've popped over and checked it out!

  4. I'm looking forward to see what you're going to wear!


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