
Monday, 4 February 2013

At the "home-stretch": the sweats are ready!

They're ready! The aforementioned sweatspants I spent three weeks drafting a pattern for are finally ready to be worn! Without further ado; ta-da:

And eh... that was really it... =)
The big question on everyone's minds (or at least the question that was burning through my mind when I made them), is probebly "Was it worth drafting a pair of regular trousers first? Was it really worth those three weeks and three toiles?!". And the answer is yes, to me it was totally worth it. They are so much more comfortable than any other pair of pants I have ever worn, that just for that sake alone it was worth it.

But also, I now have a pattern for trousers! Sure, it may need a little bit of tweaking before being made into for example a pair of 40s trousers, or flared 30s pyjama bottoms, but when I do decide to embarke upon a new pants-quest, I will be halfway there. In the meantime I'm chilling at home in my supercomy sweats =)

I'm thinking this pattern might work quite well for workout wear as well, I'd just slim down the width in the legs. One pattern at the time, slowly building the foundation for a totally me-made closet! These sweats also could have been a part of Sunny's Everyday wardrobe challenge, had I been a part of it, as it gives me something to wear with this cozy cardigan:

I got it a year and a half ago, and even though I love it, it hasn't gotten much wear due to the lack of suitable items to pair it up with.

That's all from the blessed land of comfy sweats! If you'll excuse me, I'm going to curl up in the sofa now... ; )

Love, Erika


  1. Good for you! What a wonderful finish especially since you will wear them often.

  2. Well done! The look really comfy!

  3. Thank you, ladies! They've already been in use almost daily =) I might need to make a second pair... =D


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