
Monday, 10 September 2012

New take on the t-shirt pattern

In March I made my first ever attempt at jersey sewing. Examining my t-shirts and the patterns that came with "Sew U Home Stretch" I realised I would have the same issues with that pattern as I have with my RTW knits. So I made my own pattern =) I wasn't 100% happy with that pattern though, and I haven't worn the t-shirt much. I felt it was a good start, but somehow I didn't feel comfortable in it. It might have been the heavy jersey, but I think it's also the style. Cute, but not really me. So I set about to alter it just a little, and used my jersey dresspattern as a point of reference.

First I made a top that's divided and gathered under the bust, with short sleeves that are slightly gathered in the cap. The back is just a single piece.

I liked it, and it felt like I was getting somewhere, but I had two issues: First, the neckline was too narrow and high, it didn't look good underneth a cardigan. Second, I didn't like the pouf between my... eh...cups? you know what I mean. It's a bit too hard see due to the busy print, but after just 10 min and some movement, the fabric really droops in the mid-front.

I corrected these issues by taking out a horizontal wedge over the bust, and just chopping off 2 cm from the neckline. Then I of course wanted to change something else... So I made a second version of this top, this one with grown-on sleeves =)

A lot better! Much nicer neckline, and more flattering in the bust-area. There's still some drooping going on mid-front, but at least it's less. On future makes I might try to not gather all the way along the front, but leave 4-5 cm ungathered in the mid-front.

Please excuse the wobbly top-stitching! 

Using a twinneedle, I topstitched the bands to make the overlocked seams lie flat and still, but I'm not sure I like the pintuck effect. Sure, when pressed it's fine, but I don't want to press my knits, and also the bands stretched during pressing, making it necessary to wash the t-shirt before these pictures could be taken (and yes, the pintuck effect re-appeared after washing).

I'm starting to feel more confident in my jersey-sewing, and think I'm finding my balance with this new t-shirt pattern. There's so many possibilites with it! I can add a buttonstrip, change it to a v-neck, cover the top front with lace, etc. Looking forward to playing around more with this pattern in the future! =)

Right now, I'm trying to tie up an old, old project: changing the terry lining on my grandmother's dressing robe. It's going be great, but the project itself doesn't excite me. I'm keeping the "I'm going to love wearing this!" firmly in my mind! What's on your sewing agenda?

Love, Erika


  1. I got my hands on 'gerties book for better sewing' and feeling inspired have dived into making the pencil skirt pattern.

  2. Vilken skillnad mot första versionen! Men så är det ofta, man får verkligen prova sig fram och lära sig genom försök och misstag...

  3. Lady D; Oh, I'm eagerly awaiting my copy! It should be here later this week. Pencil skirts are fun projects, looking forward to seeing the finished reslut!

    Kitten; Tackar! Precis, det är bara att rita och testa =) Tycker sällan det blir rätt på första försöket, ibland inte på andra heller, men efter ett tag så tar det sig! Förhoppningsvis blir man säkrare med tiden =)

  4. This knit top looks great:) nice fit! your alterations certainly paid off:)

  5. Du gjorde verkligen framsteg med version två. Tror precis som du säger att det kan vara en god idé att inte rynka mitt fram utan låta den delen vara slät.

  6. mahaila; Thank you! Sometimes it's worth the extra time and effort =)

    Anna; Tackar så mycket! Känns som att det blir bättre och bättre. Till slut så hoppas jag att jag har några default-mönster som jag är bekväm med att ändra på (och bära, såklart!). Har slut på jersey för tillfället, men ser fram emot att experimentera med rynkningen för att se om det kan vara så enkelt att fixa bubblandet.


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