
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

I'm sewing jersey!

A while ago my mom visited for a weekend. Always such a treat to have her here! There was plenty of good food, late talks and of course our Saturday morning special: Scones to the music-crossword on the radio. With the phone nearby so we could call my aunt for the questions we didn't know... =)

Umeå dancefestival was the same weekend, so we took the oppurtunity to test some new dances during the taster-classes daytime, and then we lindy-ed the night away. Lucky for me, mom's an amazing and experienced dancer who regarded joining her daughter for an evening of lindy hop as a fun experiment rather than a terrifying nightmare =) I had the best lindy social so far this year! Great dancers, great floor, swingin' band and oh boy, I was in the mood =)

Besides from being a wonderful dancer, mom has a lot of experience in sewing the material that fills me with dread: jersey. Ehum, yes, I'm one of those "I can't remember when I started sewing, mom taught me the basics when I was a kid" =) I wish I had paid more attention though, as a lot of the so called "couture sewing techniques" is what my mom calls regular home-sewing. My hope is to one day equal her skills and her attention to details! In the mean time, I sprung on the oppurtunity of having her here to hold my hand for my first real attempt at sewing a jersey top. I used my bodice block/sloper and made changes to adjust it to the stretch of the jersey. Made a toille, laughed a bit, analyzed it with mom, and then made a second attempt on my own. This is what I came up with:

And from the side/back:

This jersey is a bit too heavy for such a fitted top, my next attempt will be in a lighter weight jersey. Also, mom was right. A real shocker, right? ;) Looking at the toille she figured I could take out a total of 4 cm on the width to make it fit better. I thought I knew better (doesn't kids always?) and doubled the reduction. Look at the front, at the dent in the bust-area: She was right. *Sigh* Next time, I'll listen to my mother! =)

Right now, I'm working on a blouse in a pretty floral fabric that keeps trying to slip more fabric layers beneth the sewing machine feet than I want it to.

I'm hoping though that this blouse will show me that my pattern is finally ready for the gorgeus italian silk I've had in stash for over a year...

 The silk fabric with last years pattern laid out, for an idea of the size of the print.

 A close up of the fabric. Look at those structure lines, they're actually woven into the fabric and therefore 3-dimensional.

And of course, there are many more adventures with jersey planned! After all, now I have a working sloper and there's no end to the possibilities. Dresses for summer/comfy homewear/dance practice ispretty high on the list...
Wish me luck! =)
Love, Erika


  1. I'm a little daunted by jersey. As I mainly handsew (was taught as a kid too so not allowed to use the never learned to be comfortable using one) and my machine is only very basic (can't change the feet) I am struggling to find instructions on hand sewing jersey it all seems to involve machines and special feet or surgers. At the moment I go through cheap plain jersey tops quite quickly (cheap for a reason) so it would be useful to be able to master it.

    My mum does ballroom dancing, and took me along to my first lindy lesson as she was just trying it out as just another dance to learn (and thought I'd like it as you don't need to come with a partner). Now I love lindy hop as much as she loves ballroom sequence. lol! And she'll 'lead' for me when I practice at home so I get a chance to work through steps I'm not sure on at my pace.

  2. Härligt att du och dina mamma har samma intressen :) Toppen ser inte alls dum ut dock, är det inte på modet med lite rynkningar runt halshålet dessutom?!

  3. Det där italienska sidenet är underbart!

  4. Lady D; I'm impressed that you handsew all your things! I've never tried sewing jersey by hand, but I'd suppose one whould need to use a stitch that stretches... I'm 100% guessing here, but maybe if one crocheted the pieces together (with 1 strand embroidery thread), like the pieces of a knitted sweater being sewn together? Haven't tried this myself, just a wild theory!

    How great that your mom got you hooked on lindy like that! I think it's quite common for kids to take up different dances from what their dancing parents. Maybe it's easier to be a novice in one's "own dance"? =)

    Kitten; det är verkligen kul att jag o mamma har så lätt att umgås! Det är så enkelt när man möts på olika plan =) Tackar! Lol, har sett en hel del rynkningar på toppar inför våren, så för en gångs skull kanske jag är "rätt" i tiden =)

    Anna; Tackar! Kan bara hålla med, är nästan så jag drar mig lite för att klippa i det... Samtidigt vill jag ju verkligen ha ett färdigt plagg i det, så nervositeten kommer slås ner! =)

  5. I find hand sewing items is all about not rushing and giving yourself time. For example there's a lindy exchange going on locally in June....I'm already sewing the outfits I want to wear now, so they get finished with time to spare.

  6. Haha, we'll look great together! I've also got that lovely italian silk, but I'm making a dress!

  7. Lady D; You're disciplined to start so early. I'm always a bit behind on my sewing scheduale =) Have fun on the lindy event!

    Mrs J, we'll have to dress to match some lindy live =) Although, I find myself putting off cutting into the silk... Maybe in June, when I'll have more spare-time for all the handsewing necessary. Yes, def later... ; )

  8. Åh, va fint tyg!


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