
Sunday, 5 February 2012

In retrospect...

So, seems I went into blog-hybernation... The dark months up here are... well, they're dark. Like really dark. Ok, not "the sun doesn't rise"-dark, since we do get 2,5 hours of light even at the end of December, but my energy tends to dip very low during December and January. Also, this winter there has been something special occupying my mind and time... I don't want to jinx anything, but if all goes well you'll find out eventually (oh, how I hate when people tease with information like that! But sometimes it just feels necessary to tell a little but not all). Anyway, it's something fun! =)

In the meantime, and to get me blogging again, here'e some of the things I've been up to during the past two months:

Meeting up with Kattis at Nya Konditoriet when she was in Umeå, and eating the worlds best cheesecake: saffron and raspberry. Yum! The hot chocolate is something else as well =)

Visiting my sister Kajsa, who moved to Malmö in southern Sweden a year and a half ago. It was wonderful to have a weekend just the two of us! She studies in Lund, and we went there for an afternoon, so she could show me around. Lund is an old university city, and although it's a 15 min drive from Malmö, it's still considered to be a city in it's own right.

The university area was beautiful, just check out the ceiling in this underpass! And all the streets are laid with cobblestones, so pretty!

To something else: Of course, I have been sewing. The amazing thing is that I'm actually very close to being ready with this make. Of course a far cry from being ready to Christmas like the plan was, but there will be Christmas next winter as well =) This dress took some time, since although I had done a dress in this style, I wasn't 100% happy with the bodice (it was too long in the back and in the front edges, and the sleeves were a disaster). I went back to the drawing table and am much more pleased with this version. The sleeve pattern could still use some more tweaking... All that's left is one buttonhole (I sew them by hand) and the corresponding button. And I want to make a matching belt! See, I finally did it...

I ordered belt-kits from A fashionable stitch! I've been eyeing them for ages, as a matching belt and buckle really screams "vintage!". I'm hoping this will be the cherry on the top =) I also got a point turner and some tailoring tape. Sunni runs a wonderful shop, and it was a pure pleasure shopping from her. Easy to order, the parcel shipped superfast, and I had my things a whole week earlier than I counted on. They look almost too pretty to use, don't they? =)

I've been adding some books to my sewing library as well, and so far I really like them. The Dressmaker's technique bible was a Christmas gift. Make your own dress patterns was my desperat attempt for some guidance for the weird problems I have with sleeve fitting. Not sure how helpful it is with that, but it's an interesting read.

Last but not least; I've been dancing! This seasons classes have begun, but I'm only teaching the second half of the intermediate class this spring. Quite nice to be able to focus on just getting some classes really good. This photo is however from the social dance last Friday. I look a bit strange, sorry about that. I was coming down with a fever, and have been ill since. However, I wanted to show the outfit anyway, as both the skirt and the blouse are me-made =)

All for now, and have a great week!
Love, Erika

P.S. Did you see I was the Featured member on WeSewRetro during January?! I still feel a bit overwhelmed and very flattered at being asked! =) It's such a great community of talented seamstresses, I'm glad I've finally started posting there after lurking inthe shadows for over two years =)


  1. YAY! Welcome back! I just love your dress--such a lovely colour and the bodice looks amazing! I just love Sunni's belt kits as well! Happy Sewing!

  2. That green coat is simply to die for! Good luck on your sewing projects!

  3. Who's the girl in the purple coat? Oh, right, it's me! Well, it wasn't easy to see the face, and I don't usually see me. (Because that makes it less emarrassing that I didn't immediately recognize myself ;p)

  4. Kul att du är tillbaka! :) Klänningen ser verkligt lovande ut, men hur kommer det sig att du syr knapphålen för hand? Vad brukar problemet vara när du syr ärmar, har du typ sluttande axlar eller nåt i den stilen? Väntar med spänning på avslöjandet du retas med :P Har du fått ett ännu bättre jobb? Gift dig? Ska du börja studera? *nyfiken*

  5. Thank you so much, Debi! I'm really happy with this fabric, this shade of red is a favorite colour =)

    Thank you, MistressCatgirl!

    Kajsa; Haha! But to be fair, that isn't the best photo I've taken of you =)

    Kitten; Tackar! Känns bra med mönsterändringarna jag gjort på grundmönstret, och därmed även livet på den här. Knapphålen handsys då min maskin tydligen ska kunna sy knapphål men mina försök att få den dit hittills bara har resulterat i ett par timmars svärande =) Gamla maskiner har vissa nackdelar... Sen tycker jag att det är lite kul att öva upp handsömnadstekniker.
    Jag är osäker på varför ärmarna krånglar något så fruktansvärt, tror det kan vara en kombination av raka axlar, kort liv och smala armar. Antingen så är det för mycket tyg som ska hållas in och det blir rynkor, eller så blir det för lite höjd och den stramar över axelkullen. Använder jag färdiga ärmmönster så hänger ärmen aldrig rakt ner, utan vinklar sig rakt fram. Väldigt mysko det hela, men säkert nyttigt då jag bit för bit börjar förstå det här med att ärmar =)
    Och det kommer nog komma fram vad som tagit min tid, så småningom... Eg kanske inget enormt för de flesta, men stort för mig ;)

  6. Ok, jag har också haft svårt med ärmar men just nu syr vi skjortor i skolan och jag har lärt mig nåt nytt! Nämligen att man ska ha en mittmarkering(från mönstret) på ärmkullen som skall matchas ihop med axelsömmen, och sedan förstås använda rynktråd. Nya saker för mig men kanske något du redan behärskar? Kan dock meddela att jag tidigare sytt väldigt få ärmar av nån anledning ;) Men hoppas det löser sig för dig!

  7. Erika. Om du skickar dina ärm mått och måttet på ditt ÄGV (ärm gaps vidd) kan jag höra en grund ärm utifrån gällande konstruktion och skicka till dig så kan du jämföra vad som kan vara annorlunda? Jag har tabeller som visar att om du hat ett visst överarmsvidd måste du ha minst detta ÄGV osv. Kanske kan hjälpa :). Annars får du fota så kan vi bolla idéer.

  8. Kitten; jag har också undvikit att sy ärmar =) Alla ärmar pekade rakt fram tills jag började använda mittmarkeringen, nu är det som att extravidden ligger fel...

    Så Camilla, skickar gärna foton och lite mått så kan vi kanske höras över telefon? Vore jättegulligt om du kunde leda mig mot lite klarhet i ärm-mysterierna =)


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