
Sunday, 30 January 2011

Fancy Frock Friday

This week we had our first Fancy Frock Friday! An event inspired by this lady and her project Posh Frock Friday. We dressed up in pretty dresses, did our hair, donned the high heels, and then dedicated an evening to tea, cakes and sparkling drinks. A great evening!

First out: tea with pretty cupcakes, a yummy almond cake, swedish raspberryjam-cookies and gingerbreads.

I wore my sailordress with two newcomers in my wardrobe: white, seamed stockings (used to be my late grandmothers) and blue heels (gift from Kattis).

The tea party was at Kattis place, here you get a glimt of her pretty pink dress and lace stockings. Also note the gorgeous teak coffeetable from her grandparents house, and the china from the same house.

Later we switched to drinks with a bit more bite and the cheese to go with it. I set my mind on the blue cheese and accordingly had portwine in the glass.

Coming home I started trying on hats. Weird? A bit =) But isn't it the perfect time to see what hat goes with a certain hairdo? Just making my hair to test the hair-hat combo seems like a lot of work. And testing before leaving the house doesn't seem smart, as it messes up the hair. The favorite turned out to be the fur headband with white veil (not very surprising). I just adore this hat!


After this kick-off for the weekend, I was all set for two creative days. Baking and sewing it is! =)

Love, Erika


  1. Söta skor, underbar hatt! Tog just en paus från hatten jag själv jobbar på. Fancy Frock Friday låter väldigt trevligt, om man bara kände några andra med samma intressen här i trakten så man själv kunde hitta på nåt sånt! Ser ut som ni hade trevligt :) Kram!

  2. Tackar, Kitten! Skorna är dessutom riktigt bekväma för att vara så pass höga, blir en favorit till sommarens fester.
    Lindyn har nog skapat ett vintageintresse för en hel del av mina dansvänner, sen har rådande retro-trenden gjort en hel också. Till FFF så körde vi lite lånesystem för de som inte kände att de hade nåt lämpligt hemma. Det var hursomhelst en väldigt trevlig kväll! =)

  3. I love your blog, and I want to award this prize to you :
    Congratulations !

  4. That's such a neat idea! =D How lovely.
    -Andi x

  5. I followed over to your blog from a comment on Gertie's Blog for Better Sewing. Your sewing is great!

    And I love the hat, it looks really cute on you. For some reason I can just never seem to pull off hats, I always feel a little funny looking. :)

  6. Solenn; Thank you, I'm honored you chosed my blog for this award!

    Andi; it was so much fun! I actually think I first read about it on your blog =)

    Tasha; welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you found your way here =) Thank you for your nice words about the hat! Sometimes wearing hats really is a matter of practice. If one feels silly, on looks silly. When I decide to feel awsome in my hats, I can pull off even some rather weird ones =)

  7. Your blog is lovely. And your hat is wonderful.


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