
Sunday, 14 November 2010

Hats! Lots and lots of hats!

A while ago me and Elin placed a bid on a lot of 26 vintage hats at Ebay (US), and we won the auction! The hats were ours for a very reasonable price, even including shipping. Yesterday we finally got to open the box, and I can tell you: it was like Christmas! =) As all Scandinavians knows, vintage hats here are usually quite boring and very expensive. So this was a real treat!

Elin, happy at the mere sight of all those hats.

Then the "trying them on"-phase beagan, with some very good laughs. This one took the price. Pretty? Yes, in it's own, very period-typichal style of the late 40s. Would I wear it on town? Good gracious, no! But for a special type of party, as a part of a more comstum-y outfit, then maybe... But still maybe. =)

OK, onto the hats we really liked and would wear to town:

This pretty pink feather cap was adorable on Elin.

I fell head over heels for this cute little summer hat. There's a small, flat bow in the back, and long ribbons that hangs loose down the back.

I usually don't go for pink, but in this hat it really worked with the blach details and the netting. I can't help it, I adore netting!
Ehh... The colour combination of the hat, the hair and the cardigan is a bit strange, but you get the idea of the cute back of the hat... Unless the colours strikes you blind first! ; )

This 40s boater was so cute! Just look at the embroided ribbon and the little fluff-ball =)

A round-up of the hats that came home with me:

The big white one will primarily be a interior decoration piece, and the red hat we have shared custody of =)
To finish this long string of hat-photo's, my favorite:

The netting lays in front and behind the hat, along with the small hearts over the ears keeping it effectivley in place. Why do I always fall for winter stuff? I've said it before, it's a good thing I live in such a cold climate! =)

I know a sewing post with a coat update and some other little things are long overdue, and this week there will be one on Wednesday or on Thursday (unless work turns crazy this week too). I've already written it in my head, now I just need some photos and text...

But right now, I just want to say "YAY for hats!" and do a little happy dance just looking at what laying on my sideboard. A little silly, but that's ok when hats are involved! Lol!

Love, Erika


  1. *gasp* These hats are amazing! I want to steal them all! Well done!

  2. Oh wow. What a great selection! I'm quite envious. I love the silly big white hat, too. Hehe.
    -Andi x

  3. Clara Cupcake: Thank you! I still can't really believe they're really mine... Lol!

    Andi: Thank you! Although I'm sure you have a marvelous collection of your own =) I can't decide on the big white one, but it sure is a "one of a kind"... at least, I hope it is! ; ) It's quite fetching on my bookshelf, though.

  4. They're really fab, I recognize the "can't believe it" feeling :D


  5. Elin: Jag är så himla sugen på att få bära nån av dem, men vädret är ju inte helt samarbetsvilligt... Fundrar skarpt på att dra ihop något bara för att få ha på mig finhatt =)


  6. Åh, lyckost! Inget dåligt kap det där...Hoppas du får användning för dem!


  7. Kitten: Tackar! Det ska nog lösa sig, jag kan ju alltid skapa ett tillfälle =) Och förr eller senare blir det ju varmare i luften och därmed hattväder igen!


  8. Keep going and you might rival Cin in the hat department. Definitely a good find on ebay.


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