
Monday, 17 May 2010

A swingin' birthday

Sunday the 9th of May was my birthday, and it was a great weekend! Rikard and Johanna, two wonderful teachers from Luleå, came to Umeå to hold classes Saturday and Sunday, and on Saturday evening there was social dancing to live music (a local big band-orchestra). I did pincurls friday night, and took them out in time for the dance. Curly indeed! =) Since spring is finally here in earnest, I chosed a pale green 50s dress I got at Herräng dance camp last summer.

Kajsa was cute in the skirt she made herself and a darling new top (although the top doesn't really show well in the photo...). I did her hair in hot rolls, but we came to the conclusion that for hot rolls to work in her hair it needs to be a great deal shorter. Sure, there was a bend to the ends, but it has that anyway. We'll try again after she's cut it a bit.

As everyone who has tried to capture dancers with a camera knows, it's very tricky. Esp when it's dark! =) But here's a little picture anyway, just to give you all an idea. I must say I thought everybody had done a very good job with their outfits this evening! Remember, this is people who are into lindy, not into vintage. We say that we encourage to an attempt at vintage-inspired; a very mild dress-code with other words. You can see Kajsa in the almost center of the photo, just look for a purple skirt =)

My friends had arranged a little surprise for me: at exactly midnight the band leader said "Before the last song, I'm going to tell a story. A story about a girl that was born at this day..." and then the whole room sang for me! I can't remember the last time that happened. Or ever! Anyway, thank you so much, guys, that was so very sweet of you and it will sure be a birthday to remember!

Coming home from the dance I of course started playing around with hair-do's. I don't want to sit down in front of a movie after dancing, but I have too much energy to just go to sleep. Anyway, I tried the new hair-binds and this is the result. What do you think?

I've always loved the late 30s-look, but assumed it wouldn't work on me (considering my very strong jaw-line). Now I'm seriously considering if maybe next time I go to the hairdresser... What do you think? Cutting it this short would make any of my other favorite hairdo's impossible. But I like this style. And hair grows back really fast. But I like variety as well... Decisions, decisions!

Sunday, when it actually was my birthday, I was so tired after the weekend that a quiet evening with Kajsa was perfect. We had a very nice dinner, and the best china came out of the cupboards.
Sorry for the slow update on posting btw, the camera batteries has died completley. 1 day in the charger - 3 photos taken - another day in the charger - those photos transferred to the computer ... Better late than never, right? =) The pictures of presents and the last results of the shopping spree on ebay will have to wait, though. Until I get new batteries...

Love, Erika


  1. I think your hair looks good done up shorter! It suits you. =] And Happy (belated) birthday. =D
    -Andi x

  2. Så mycket fint du visar upp!

  3. Tycker att en page klär dig mycket bra, att döma av fotona.

    Och du har ju rätt i att det växer ut igen, så våga ta steget! :) Och grattis i efterskott.

  4. Försenat grattis!! Och va härligt att hela gänget sjöng för dig, sånt är alltid fint :)

    Jag gillar faktiskt också den korta frisyren, och det kanske skulle vara skönt med kort hår nu när det börjar bli varmt? Dessutom är pin-curls så mycket snabbare och enklare att göra på kortare hår...Men kom ihåg att håret ser ännu kortare ut när det är lockat, så kanske värt att inte ta för mycket, speciellt i nacken. Men lycka till ifall du bestämmer dig för att ta steget!

  5. Andi; thank you so much!

    Catrin; tackar så mycket, roligt att du tycker om det! =)

    Anna; Tackar för peppningen, vi får se om jag vågar... =)

    Kitten; Tack så mycket! Det var verkligen en speciell upplevelse (måste ha varit över 80 pers där!). Jag vänder och vrider på det där med frisyren, men du har onekligen en poäng ang värmen de senaste dagarnas värmebölja har fått mig att luta åt att kort hår är en trevlig sak... Hade nog inte tänkt att klippa det hela vägen så kort som på bilderna, utan mera så att det blir så kort när det är lockat. Men, men! Får se =)

  6. Happy birthday! Love your dress xx

  7. Celia Rose; thank you so much! =)

  8. Vilken underbar klänning på första bilden!

  9. Great post can you recommend any forums to join?

  10. Glamour-och flaskpannkaka: tackar så mycket! Den är dessutom otroligt bekväm att ha på sig =)


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