
Friday, 5 March 2010

Snow sculptures and lindy

Past Saturday was a busy and fun day. We had a small lindy hop-show in a mall at town. It was "pay-weekend" (first weekend after pay-day, which is the 25th for most Swedes), so there was a lot of people out shopping, hence a fairly good crowd that stopped to watch us dance. Fun! Since it was indoors and we were dancing I'm afraid I don't have any pictures to share with you =(

I recentley realised I haven't really said much about the outdoors here in Umeå lately. The reason is simple: it's been dark, cold and snowy. Snow is great, but not when it's falling or when I'm riding my bike to work... I love winter, but this winter has been a bit too winter-y. Now we're starting in on the best part of winter, though. To kick off the "spring-winter": some pictures from the snowsculpture contest downtown past Saturday! It's an annual competition, where ordinary people participate. We were very happy it wasn't a week earlier, as the temperature then was -28C, and past Saturday it was only -8C and snowing. Basically spring ; )
Ok, the pictures:

It's an ogre! With a mountin on it's back! Oh, and me in front of it of course.

My sister Kajsa and the creature on the cute frog-snow-mobile.
Loved these shoes! Please excuse the old-lady style outfit, it's tricky to protect a hair-do from falling snow.
Isn't it amazing what they can do with snow? This one was called something along the line of "people in the world". I could see right through the globe!
The back of it, with Kajsa imitating the sculpture =)
The last one was a baby in a womb. That's the umbilical cord that run's up from the sleeping baby (not a very good shot, I'm afraid).
So much for Saturday at town! At the evening we had a Lindy Hop Live, with a great band playing, a good crowd of dancers and a very nice evening it was.
Here's Karolin, modeling her stylish outfit for the evening. Loved her skirt! Her mom made it about 20 years ago and now she has given it to Karolin. The pattern is a bit blurry in the small picture, but take it up and you'll se the fine checkers-print.
Kajsa was so cute for the evening. She isn't really very vintage, and since she has such a youthful look she sometimes looks a bit like someone dressing up in their granny's clothes when she's all vintage. I like this style on her, it's cute, colorful and suits her, I think. Modern and young with a just a vintage twist.
And the two of us, happy after a nice evening with lot's of dancing and almost as much cookies and tea =)


  1. Vilken fin kappa du har, handväskan är söt den också. Jag gillar nog vintern och snön, våren är däremot mycket jobbigare, speciellt när snön just börjat smälta och det blir vått, isigt och svårt att cykla. Usch! Men när det torkat upp är våren genast mycket trevligare :)

    Blir det en helg i dansen tecken igen eller har du nåt annat spännande på gång? Jag och sambon tänkte köra iväg med husbilen på dans på lördag, håller tummarna för att husbils-värmen fungerar hela natten...Ha det fint!

  2. Det ser ut som att jag inte har några bröst... Annars blev jag nöjd den här gången med fotona.

  3. Kitten: Tackar! Och kan bara hålla med, föredrar kompakt snö framför slask. Har sedan jag köpte dubbdäck till cykeln upptäckt att is är väldigt trevligt att cykla på, hjulen rullar på så bra =) Men snart är det fritt på cykelvägarna! De har skrapat vägarna, och det har varit plusgrader, så då och då är det faktiskt asfalt man cyklar på. Ger klar mersmak!

    Helgen var väldigt trevlig, dans på fredagskvällen och sömnad/serietittande med syster på lördagen. Sen massa dans på söndagen... Provade pilates också, gudars vad det tar ordentligt! Hade träningsvärk i magen i flera dagar. Ska absolut gå igen på lördag!

    En helg iväg, vad härligt! Älskar att åka iväg över helgen. Hoppas värmen fungerade...
    Ha det bra!

    Kajsa: Håller med, boleron gör en konstig illusion. Det såg inte alls ut så i verkligheten! Kul att du gillade fotona =)


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