
Friday, 25 May 2012

Celebrations, family, friends and a haircut

Two weeks ago (May 9) I turned "old lady". Yup, my age no longer begins with a 2... A quite nice feeling! I know there's some sort of conventional age-hysteria one should get when turning 30, but I'm just not feeling it. If I'm happy with my life, where I am and the direction my life is moving in, then why worry about age? Sure, 25 sounds better in our youth-celebrating society, but would I want to be where I was when I was 25? Not a chance! So I'm embracing my new, mature age, and am very much looking forward to what this new decade in my life will bring =)

Also, it's not so hard to turn 30 when one is celebrated for two weeks... =)

Flowers (pic taken the next day though) and a delicious dinner out with the man in my life, on the big day.

Weekend 11-13 of May the local dance scene organized a lindy/balboa camp. Best of all was that Malin and Johannes could come for the whole weekend! They came without the children, and while I of course was sad to not get to spend time with the kids, at the same time I'm glad M and J could focus on attending classes and socials. I'll just visit them later this summer and play with the kids then =) So the old gang got together for a wonderful birthday dinner out, Malin and Johannes, Rita and Erik, me and the mr. Fun!

Me and Marita during the open reception. Please ignore the background - we sneaked off from the festivities to get a better picture.

After a few days of rest (meaning normal workdays) it was time again: now off to Stockholm to celebrate with family and childhood friends. We had a 4-day holiday in Sweden this last weekend, so it seemed smart to get a bit of extra time in the city. Stockholm was at its best: green everywhere, lovely scents of early summer in the air, sunny and warm. Thursday May 17, I had an open reception for family and friends (at mom's place).

Friday, I got a haircut at Retroella, and talented Sara fixed a hairdo superfast. Love how she formed the bang-roll, I'm so going to learn how to do that on my own!

After I had been properly styled, I and Marita went shopping / taking a slow stroll while checking out stores. Lot's of walking, and we eventually ended up in the Old town. I couldn't resist a classic "Look, the alley is so narrow I can touch both walls!"-photo:

Saturday, it was time for my sister to go home to Malmö. I, dad and my aunt waved her off at the platform (family tradition).

Then the three of us went out for lunch and a cup of tea / coffee at Vetekatten. They have a nice outdoors-section, perfect for sunny summerdays.

My "day-after" attempt at the bang-roll. So and so, not horrible, but not perfect.

Sorry, I look a bit distant in this pic. The sun was really bright and I was fighting to hold my eyes open =)

All in all, it was a lovely weekend in Stockholm, and I feel blessed to have been celebrated so thoughrouly by family and friends over the past weeks. Love you, guys! 

I fell a bit in love with my old hometown (again). Not eunough to want to live there, but eunough to feel good about returning soon. Like tonight... We're going to Stockholm Blues dance Weekend now! I'm very excited about this, blues dancing is a passion that has been growing the past years, but I've never had an oppurtunity to take proper classes. Very much looking forward both to the classes and to the socials! I've finished sewing a jersey dress from a new pattern I've drafted, but that's another post ; ) I'm hoping it will be a good dance-practice dress, we'll see after the weekend.

Have a great weekend!
Love / Erika