I'm sorry I've been absent for long! Last week I blogged at the Swedish site Kravallslöjd (click on "Erika Borgström" on the right side bar, and only my posts comes up). It was only in Swedish though! I have plans on being lazy and just translate the posts and re-post them here =)
This past week I've been knocked out by the worst cold I've had in years. I'll spare you the details, let's just say that the Kleenex box is still kept within easy reach but I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the fever haze. It's been a bit annoying, easter is a four day holyday in Sweden and I had so much sewing I wanted to sink my teeth into now that I really could focus for a couple of days. But no sewing. Today is the first day that even the idea of sewing is interesting =)
So instead of showing anything ready of half ready, I'd like to talk summer sewing plans. Summer is soon. Very soon. How did that happen this year too? I blame the short spring-season =)
The right is a cotton voile and the left a soft linen.
The floral cotton is destined to something very close to the swing dress, I've used my own block pattern and made my own version, but the general idea is the same. This one is first out, now if only I could decide on what sleeves to make... I'm torn between set-in sleeves that widens (leave open or gather? Better for dancing if open, but harder to fit under a cardigan) and cap sleeves.
The linen has a lot more body, so I'm making a 50s dress with a full circle skirt, scalloped neckline and holksleeves. Sort of like the pattern above (found here), although, of course, I'm making my own pattern... I'll skip the buttons, and only use a side-zipper instead.
Blouses! Comfortable blouses for summer are a huge gap in my wardrobe, and aren't these two fabrics nice for fixing the problem? I have some loose ideas about the models, but need to sit down, make some sketches and decide what I'm going with. So far I've thought about a standing collar with a bow in the front for the polka-dots, and holk-sleeves for the blue fabric.
A close up on the blousefabrics.
Speaking of blue fabrics, I'm beginning to get a blue problem for the summer! For some reason, I always go for the blue version, whether it's fabric or RTW. And blue don't always match blue... I need other colours in my summer wardrobe! The strange thing is that blue isn't even my favorite colour, that would be red and green. But maybe I'm more particular with shades when it comes to them? Do you have a colour that you always come home with and then open your closet / fabric storage and realise it's in tone with what's already there?
Hope you've had a great Easter!
Love, Erika
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Guesting the vintage dream
This weekend I took a mini-trip to Luleå to celebrate the 30th birthday of my friend Johannes. One night I spent with my very stylish friend Therese, who has the most gorgeous appartement I have ever seen! Above, the vanity in the guestroom. That's right, a room just for guests. Not a combo sewing - home office - guests, such a luxury for the lucky friends who stays in this room!
The green hat with dark velvet and a bow at the neck was just adorable!
The kitchen was cozy but stylish in white, red and black. Lots of polkadots! =)
The living room. I just love the lamp! And the mirror. And the polarbear...
The perfect place to cozy up with a nice book, right?
For all the sewing enthusiasts =) I love the suit that's all marked up with chalk, and the sewing machine. It's actually quite interesting to see the tailoring techniques that are represented in this print.
I swear, I left with such a positive feeling of "wow, I can't wait to fix my appartament!". Isn't it great with people who inspire us to take that last step, to bring our projects to their conclusions? It's so easy to become blind to those last boxes in the corner. After all, one doesn't know where to put the things in them, and it's not like the boxes are hurting anyone just standing there...
Thank you, Therese! Both for having me overnight, the lovely chat and the wonderful inspiration!
Love, Erika