
Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Model for a day

Wiggleskirt: sewn by me from a vintage pattern. Blouse H&M. Gloves from grandma. Hat from Tradera/Ebay.

Sunday me and Kajsa had a little adventure: "Model for a day" at TheStudio. It's a package offered by a studio, they do the make up and then you take a total of 45 pictures in a studio, with three different outfits that you bring along for the day.
It was a nice day in many ways, it was fun to do this with my sister, and I liked posing for the camera =) It was great to discover new angles, I sometimes find that all my pictures are taken from the exact same angle.

Hair is done with hot rolls the same day. Sailor dress from Beyond retro.
On the downside: This was a sort of free event, "we'll do the make up and take pictures, all free, and then if you like some of the pictures you can buy them", which meant there was a ton of people. Everybody had an appointement, but they seemed to have booked everybody at the same time. So hours of waiting in a hot, air-deprived room, people everywhere. Not so glamourous, but quite like I imagine modelling would be. Of course, after spending all that time you'd want to buy at least some of the very expensive photos, and so you'd anyway spend as much on the "free offer" as you would if you'd just booked their usual package. You've just had to wait around a great deal more.
My advice if anyone's interested in one of these events, just book a usual appointement instead.
Nevertheless, it was a fun thing to do, and I'm quite happy with the pictures I bought (yes, I know they failed a bit with the shade of the foundation... ah, well...)
I've had a bit of a shopping spree on Tradera/Ebay (a nice 40s dress for example), check in later this week for pictures =)
Love, Erika
P.S. I just realised this post has a very negative tone to it, please excuse me! I had a great time at the photoshoot, and I'm very happy with the photos! The negative tone is mostley due to this cold that I just can't seem to get rid of =( Note to self: don't blog when sick! =)

Monday, 19 April 2010

Sunday thrifting

Igår så for jag på Nolia-loppis med Katarina. Nolia är alltid lite av en chansning, det finns aldrig så mycket fina kläder där, men däremot så verkar jag alltid komma därifrån med något nytt till köket (som en köksassistent, tekoppar etc). Denna gång var inget undantag, ovan en gjutjärnsstekpanna i fint skick för 75 kr, en lök/mandel-hackare för 10 kr samt glasunderlägg för 20 kr.

Yesterday me and Katarina went thrifting at a sort of gathered yard-sale, meaning lot's of yard-sales in one building, just one afternoon. It's always a bit of a gamble, these things, but I usually find something between all the toys and clothes for children, and usually it has something to do with the kitchen. Yesterday was no exception, above an iron-pan for 7,5euro, an onion/almond-chopper for 1euro and a set of coasters for 2 euros.

Hittade även ett par roliga solglasögon med blåa sammetsbågar, samt ett litet, oanvänt set med sprayparfym-flaska och en fickspegel.

Det var en trevlig dag, var länge sen jag var på loppis! Det riktiga fyndet var nog stekpannan. Det är alltid något till köket... behöver mer köksskåp! =) Vad gjorde ni i helgen?
Kram! / Erika

I also found a fun pair of sunglasses in blue velvet, and a little, unused set of perfume spraybottle and pocket-mirror.

It was a nice day, it was forever since I went thrifting! The real find I believe was the pan. It's always something for the kitchen... I need more kitchen-storage! =) What did you do this weekend?Love, Erika

Monday, 12 April 2010

Easter, Family and New Shoes

Easter came and went by all too quickly, but what great days it was! My mother, my younger brother and mom's dog Elsa came to visit me and my sister. They arrived Thursday before easter and left Wednesday after. A very long weekend =)

We took things easy, just hanging out together. Ate a lot of food. Drank a lot of tea. My brother very sweetley fixed my computer, so now it runs a lot better. Mom helped me fit a basic toille/muslin (more about that later, hopefully). We played cards. Took long and shorts walks with Elsa. A very nice weekend! I love having my family visit, and am always so sad to see them leave. Everytime I wonder a bit as to why I've chosen to live so far away from them, but I really love my new hometown. It's just so far away. *Sigh* Why can't a girl have everything? At once? =)
I was a little lazy with the camera during the weekend, but here's a very tired little dog sleeping on my kitchen floor while we were playing games:

That's all from Easter. Now, I don't know about you guys, but here spring is coming and it's coming fast. I just love this time of the year! I've been on the lookout for a new pair of shoes and the week before Easter I won the auction for these on Tradera/Ebay:

They look completly unused, there wasn't even a mark in the leather in the bend over the toes! And the small cushions in the heels looks like no weight has ever been placed on them:

I'm so eager for a day at town, wearing my new shoes and a hat. It's finally warm enough for hats! Spring really is my favorite time of the year!

Last but not least: my new evening entertainment!

I've been saving the last episode of Foyle's war, because I just couldn't stand for the show to be over, and take my small forrays into England during WWII with it. I looked a bit at the cover of this show before Christmas, but it didn't seem like a good time to spend money on myself. Then Cathla called during Easter, saying it was on sale, my wonderful brother and my darling sister overheard and bought it as a surprise gift! Thank you so much, guys! You are the sweetest!
Hope you had a lovely Easter, and that your skies are as blue as our is today!
Love, Erika