
Saturday, 28 November 2009

Dance and roses

Förra helgen (jag ligger visst lite efter...) hade vi kurshelg med externa lärare. Dvs även vi intruktörer fick stå och klia oss i skallen i tappra försök att förstå vart fötterna skulle gå, och i vilken rytm! =) Mycket trevlig helg, Daniel Heedman och Åsa Palm är några av de bästa lärarna i världen, samt några av de bästa dansarna. Kurs lördag och söndag, socialdans på lördagskvällen till ett riktigt bra storband, massa trevligt folk. Helgens höjdpunkter: adrenalinkicken under vår uppvisning (det är så kul att dansa inför publik), några aha-upplevelser under kurserna, Daniel och Åsas uppvisning (jag blev helt uppslukad, de är så otroligt bra! Jag bara satt o stirrade, försökte klappa händerna, men man ville inte missa en enda sekund) samt såklart de två danserna med Daniel under kvällen. Så himla skoj! =)

Last weekend (I'm a bit behind it seems...) we had a weekend class with Daniel Heedman and Åsa Palm, two of the best lindy hop teachers and dancers in the world. It was so much fun to be taking a class again, and also fun to be in the same class as our students =) It was a great weekend with classes, social dancing to a great big band and lots of nice people. The weekend highlights: the rush of adrenaline during our perfomance (I love dancing on stage!), some great moments during classes, Daniel and Åsas performance (it was just amazing! I just sat and steared, too busy with following every movement to really be able to clap along, although I did try to) and of course the dances with Daniel during the evening. It was so much fun! =)

Kajsa kom över på fredagskvällen, hon sydde på sin kjol medans jag bakade till helgen. Den blev klar! Så himla bra gjort, det första plagget hon sytt själv utanför slöjden, och det blev klart på en vecka och blev superfint! Jag fick dock ingen bra bild på den, så ni får nöja er med en bild Kajsa i en fin vintage blus jag köpt åt henne via Tradera, samt pin curls lockarna.

Kajsa spent the friday evening at my placce, she worked on her skirt while I baked for the evening. She finished the skirt! Quite impressive, her first clothing sewn all on her own, and she did a really great job on it. Unfortunatley I didn't get any good pictures on the skirt, but here's a picture of Kajsa in the cute blouse I found for her at Ebay (the hair's done with pincurls).

Slutligen: en ros och en tablettask med en käck pinuppa, en fin present från underbara Karolina som tack för terminens danskurser. Tusen tack! Jag blev väldigt rörd över omtanken i den.

At last: a rose and a pillbox with a perkt pinup, a very nice gift from the sweet Karolina as thank you for this semester's danceclasses. Thank you, dear! I was very moved by the idea behind it.

Love, Erika

Friday, 20 November 2009

Nice packages in the mailbox this week

Last week I shopped a bit at Tradera (Swedish Ebay) and thrifted some very nice things. The blouse above is a 50s thing for my sister (her very first vintage item! I'm so proud =) )
Below is a "fake blouse" with a cute huge collor (what are these things really called in English? Anyone knows?)

My dear friends Malin and Johannes were married in August, but as it was a surprise wedding I of course didn't have a gift, so I came up with the idea of sewing them some dance clothes from the Swing era. Johannes will get a vest (I've got a pattern from -51 for that, a bit late, but it'll work) and a pair of pants. So imagine my delight when this zoot suit pattern turned up for auction! I'll probably alter the width of the pants to be more 30s, but it's going to be so much easier with a pattern to start from.
And last but not least, a pair of vintage stockings with seam, made in wool and nylon. So practical, and actually possible to wear a bit longer than the superthin stockings. I've been wishing for a pair, but thinking it an impossibility that any would appear at the market.
It's such a great feeling getting packages with the mail, it somehow feels like a gift, even though I've already paid for it =) Anyone else gets that feeling?
Have a great weekend!
Love, Erika

Sunday, 15 November 2009

It's a wiggle skirt!

It's been silent here for quite a while, I'm sorry and I'm blaming it all on November! Seriousley, every year around this time I'm wondering why on earth I decided to move so far up north. Then December comes, and Advent with preparations for Christmas, and then the proper snow, and I love living here. But November... we change to wintertime at the end of October, so it gets dark really early. And this far from the equator, tha sun rises and sets very slow, so it starts getting dark early and around four in the afternoon it's pitch black. I know, it sounds a bit whiney, sorry! But the most common answer from everybody at the question "How are you?" is "I'm really fine, but I'm just so tired".

So naturally, the best thing to do is to hibernate. I've taken time out from some things, but life rolls on. I've had a lot of nice dancing, went to a weekend class, been praciticing for our next performance, I've also been baking to the social dances... and I finally completed the wiggle skirt! I've been wanting to make one forever, the idea is really appealing to me. Pencil skirts rarely feels comfortable to me, but creases insted of darts (veck istället för insömnader) at the front seemed like a smart soloution.

Here's the pattern I used:

This was actually my very first attempt to use a real vintage pattern, and I was a bit nervous. So I made a toille following the pattern to a letter, and figured I would have to change a lot (I usually have to change patterns). But no, sir! The only change I did was to shorten it, which I did along the line that said "lengthen or shorten here". =) And of course I changed it from a dress to a skirt...

Some details

I love the buttons! I got them from my grandmother, she's had them for ages, so I have no idea how old they are.

This first attempt at sewing after vintage patterns gave me taste for more! I just can't believe the pattern just worked, without any alterations. Next project is a christmas-y dress after a Vouge pattern, and I'm a bit nervous. Fitting a bodice is always a bit trickier than just a skirt... So hopefully I'll soon have a red dress to show you, or I'm sitting frustrated in my sewing room (well, kitchen really) lol!

All for now, and I promise that no matter what, the next post will come a lot faster than this one did.

Love, Erika